Monthly Archives: January 2022

Root Canal Maidenhead

Teeth whitening Maidenhead - Bourne End Dental

If you’ve never had a root canal Maidenhead before, you may be wondering whether it’s something you need, and what’s involved in the process. Here’s what we do when a patient needs a root canal, and why they’re so important as a dental treatment. What Is A Root Canal? Firstly, let’s look at what a […]

Your Introduction to Invisalign Braces

Invisalign Maidenhead - Bourne End Dental

Invisalign braces are all the rage in the world of private dentistry nowadays. You might’ve seen them on some of your friends, and even on some well-known celebrities, and might be wondering just what they are, and how they differ from regular braces, exactly. Well, we’re here to give you the long and short of […]