What Causes your gums to be sore?

Your gums may ache for several reasons, including overbrushing, improper flossing practices, an infection, or gum disease. Leukaemia, blood diseases, hormonal changes during pregnancy, a vitamin K deficiency, and other conditions unrelated to oral hygiene could also be to blame.

Sore gums

Why do my gums hurt?

There are several things you may take to aid in the recovery of your sore gums.

• At least twice a day, brush your teeth.
• Make use of an electric toothbrush.
• Make sure the bristles on your toothbrush are soft or extra-soft.
• Every three months, change your toothbrush.
• Use TePe brushes or floss every day.
• Visit your hygienist frequently, ideally every three to six months.

How long should sore gums last?

The time it takes for sore gums to return to normal depends on the cause. For most cases, such as poor flossing technique – the gums should take around 10 days to heal. However, your gums can start to feel better within a few days.

Why do my gums hurt in one spot?

Your gums may hurt in one spot for several reasons, including eating foods that are too hard or sharp, developing a gum abscess, or having an infection that has been trapped in the gums. If not removed with TePes or floss, food that is caught between teeth can exert pressure on the gums and hurt them.

Why do my gums feel like they are throbbing?

Gum disease, which can be brought on by a build-up of plaque or tartar and cause difficulties by allowing bacteria to develop under the gum line, is the most frequent cause of sore or inflamed gums. Gum pain, aching teeth, unsteady teeth, bleeding gums, and increased tooth sensitivity are common in people with gum disease.

When should I see my dentist?

If you experience any of the following signs, you should visit your dentist:

Gums that bleeding, are red and swollen, pull away from your teeth, are loose, hurt when you chew, are sensitive to heat or cold, and dentures that no longer fit properly.

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