Can you get rid of gum disease?

Gum disease treatment Buckinghamshire - Bourne End Dental

A 2015 article from the School of Dentistry at Birmingham University said, “Almost all of us have gum disease.”

They say that 90% of adults in the UK have gum disease to some degree.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the US did more research and found that half of all adults in the US have some kind of gum disease.

It’s clear that’s a lot of adults from both sides of the pond.

This raises the question, “What can be done?”

Can gum disease be treated, and is it really that bad if most people have it?

Safety in numbers doesn’t have any medical meaning, though.

The number of people who might or might not have gum disease has no effect on how it affects those who do have it.

What the statistics don’t show is how many people have gingivitis, which is the first sign of gum disease, and how many have periodontitis, which is the more serious form of gum disease.

If you want to know if it can be fixed, you need to know how far along the gum disease is.


Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums caused by plaque, which is a film of bacteria that builds up on the teeth.

This is where gum disease starts.

Gingivitis can be recognised by a number of common signs, such as: Bleeding gums Gums that are swollen, red, or both Stinky breath A lot of tartar on the teeth Teeth that hurt

Even if a person has some or all of these symptoms, that doesn’t mean they definitely have gingivitis. Likewise, not having any of these symptoms doesn’t mean they don’t have gingivitis.

For example, smokers are more likely to get gum disease than nonsmokers, but they may not have bleeding gums because smoking cuts off blood flow to the gums.

Some people with chronic gingivitis may not have any of the above symptoms and think they are safe when they are not.

Gingivitis can be fixed, and it’s important to take care of the gum problem at this stage because, spoiler alert, if it gets worse and turns into periodontitis, the damage can’t be fixed.

Good oral hygiene can help prevent gingivitis. This doesn’t mean that having gingivitis means you haven’t taken care of your teeth, but the fact that it’s so common shows how hard it is to avoid.

Once you have gingivitis, you can’t get rid of it just by brushing and flossing. You also need to see a dentist for treatment.

The best and safest way to fully treat gingivitis is to see a hygienist and keep your regular appointments (your hygienist will tell you how often you need to have treatment, dependent on your own oral health).

You can make it less likely to come back by making smart changes to your diet, like avoiding sugary and acidic food and drinks as much as possible and, if you smoke, quitting or cutting back.

If you have any of the above symptoms, you should start by going to the dentist to have your mouth, teeth, and gums checked out.

Without seeing a dentist, you won’t be able to tell if you have gingivitis or periodontitis.

Then, they will tell you if you need to see a dental hygienist or a periodontist.

A dentist who specialises in preventing, diagnosing, and treating periodontal disease is called a periodontist.

What happens if I don’t deal with my gingivitis?

If you don’t treat gingivitis, it can lead to periodontitis and bone loss. Also, the plaque and inflammation caused by gingivitis can let bacteria into your bloodstream, which can be harmful to your general health.


The gums will get back to being healthy and there won’t be any long-term damage to the bone around your teeth, if gingivitis is treated.

But, and this is a big but, if it gets worse and turns into periodontitis, the condition can’t be fixed, but can be managed.

With periodontitis the inflammation gets so bad that the alveolar bone that holds the teeth in place starts to break down.

Once bone is gone, it can’t grow back. This can make teeth loose, which can lead to teeth falling out or needing to be pulled.

Other serious health problems could develop, caused by having both gingivitis and periodontitis. A higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and pregnancy problems have been linked to this.

It’s important to note that inflammation of the gums puts people at the same risk of these health problems, even if they haven’t lost any bone.

Gingivitis always comes before periodontitis, but gingivitis does not always lead to periodontitis.

Like almost every other health problem, your genes and the way you live your life will play a role in your general health.

Anyone who has periodontal problems or thinks they might have them should see a dentist and hygienist as soon as possible so that a diagnosis can be made, and treatment can begin to control the disease and limit further damage.

If people in your family have had gum disease before, you are more likely to get it too.

Periodontitis is a disease that can’t be cured, but it can be kept under control with good oral hygiene at home and regular visits to a dentist.

Always see your dentist when teeth or gum problems occur

Don’t put it off. Make an appointment with a dentist and hygienist so that your teeth and gums can be checked and treated as needed.